Quality Sleep with GAIA Skincare

Quality Sleep with GAIA Skincare

Getting quality sleep is one of the most important things we can do to support our mind and body, keeping ourselves healthy and helping our ability to concentrate. 
So this winter, priorities healthy sleeping patterns and your bedtime routine to help elevate your overall well-being.  

1. Regular Exercise
Good sleep starts long before you get into bed; moving your body can help your sleep quality, reduce stress, and increase melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles.  

 2. Start a relaxing routine

Creating a calming environment before bed is a great way to wind down your evening, whether you draw a bath, meditate, or read a book it's great to be in a tranquil mindset before bed. It's also advisable to avoid screens 30 minutes before bed.

Shop Calming Bath Salts

3. Create a sleep schedule
Having a regular sleep pattern is key to ensuring a restful night, aim to go to bed and wake up at similar times every day, ensuring 7-9 hours of sleep, depending on how much you feel your body needs. 

4. A restful environment 
From black-out curtains to soft bed linen, make your bedroom a sanctuary. Don't forget soothing aromas can help, so give your pillow a mist with our calming Sleep Spay.
Shop Sleep Spray